Public and private maps

A map can be "public" or "private". In order to set this, we have to go to the "My Maps" page and select the "Edit settings" link next to the name of the map. The field that interests us is called "Status" (see also Creating the first map).

Map Maker Tool - Map editing form

A "public" map is visible to all: the link derived from the "Share map" page is accessible by every web user (see How to share a map).

A "private" map is visible only by its creator and by any sub-users that he has created (all of them still need to login first to be able to view the map).
In the free Map Maker Tool version there is a possibility to add other sub-users in addition to those who had subscribed. A "private" map will only be visible for the latter.
In the commercial version you can add additional sub-users who can operate on maps and on other elements. These users can also access "private" maps (see Map users).