Before you create a map

Data structure of a Map Maker Tool mapData managed by the Map Maker Tool can be punctual (markers) and vectorial (vectors).

Each map contains one or more groups of data, which in turn contain categories of one or more markers and single vectors (the choice of limiting the categories of vectors to a single element was made to avoid the slowing down of the loading of vector data, which can be very bulky).

Before starting to create a map, it is very useful to define the names of groups and categories of markers and vectors, especially if the map is to contain a lot of data. This will make it easier to build a clear and easily interpretable data structure by the visitors.

The elements (groups, categories of markers, vectors) are created directly in the editor as you're building the map.
Marker groups, marker categories and individual markers can also be created through the CMS functionality.

The groups and categories of markers and vectors can be activated/deactivated using the menu located at the bottom left of every map.