Main features

Purpose of Map Maker Tool

Map Maker Tool is an online tool designed to allow anyone, also non experts, to create and share the content of online maps in an easy and immediate way.

Such content may be associated with a specific point on a map (point indicators, called markers) or geometric elements (vector indicators, known as vectors) such as lines, geometric shapes, areas of any shape, paths, traces obtained from GPS devices or imported from websites.

With every type of item, marker or vector, you can associate a descriptive card, which can include any multimedia item: texts, images, audio, video and any other HTML code.

The elements (groups of categories of markers and vectors) can be reused in multiple maps.

Maps can be shared (to be public or private) and integrated into websites, blogs and other content viewable through a common web browser. The sharing codes are created automatically by Map Maker Tool.

Map Maker Tool works with any modern device: desktop, notebook, tablet, smartphone, and needs only an internet connection.

The experience of using Map Maker Tool is designed taking into account the possibility to start using it without knowing its characteristics in detail.
The ease of learning and intuitiveness of tools are therefore one of the strengths of Map Maker Tool.